March 3, 2025 /

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Visitor’s Guide to Services

If you are a visiting guest, student seeking course credit or just interested in learning more about Judaism we welcome you to join us for a Saturday morning service at LPS or at one of our weekly classes.

We hope our Visitor’s Guide below will answer all your questions. LPS is pleased to welcome guests to our services. Here is some practical information to help you feel welcome, whether you are Jewish or of another religious faith.(If not, feel free to call and ask!)

If you are interested in learning about the process of Orthodox conversion please email Rabbi Dinin.


Lake Park Synagogue is located in a house on the northwest corner of Hackett and Hampshire Avenues, one block east of Downer Avenue and one block north of Kenwood Avenue.

When are services held?

Services are held on the Sabbath (Saturday) and on Jewish holidays.  Services start at about 9:30 AM and end at around noon. We suggest that visitors come at about 10:15, which is when the Torah reading begins. The rabbi’s sermon typically follows the reading. We do not usually hold weekday services except for holidays.

The LPS newsletter, Ruach. will provide information about special services or changes of time or location. (There is also a link to Ruach on the LPS website.) You are also welcome to call or email the office or the rabbi for information or to let us know you’re coming.

What should I wear?

Women generally wear skirts or dresses, but it’s acceptable to wear pants. Some men wear jackets and ties, but trousers and a shirt or sweater are equally acceptable. We ask congregants and guests to dress with a sense of modesty befitting a house of worship.

Should I cover my head?

Jewish men wear a head covering (a kippah, or yarmulke) and many women have their own customs regarding head coverings such as hats or scarves. If you wish, you may take a kippah from the box as you enter the building.

What should I do when I arrive?

The entrance is on the ground floor and the services are held upstairs. If no one greets you when you walk in, just go upstairs and enter the sanctuary through the glass door.

Where should I sit?

Men and women sit separately; you’ll see where to go when you enter the sanctuary. We encourage guests to sit on the side that best reflects their gender identity. If you have any questions, please contact Rabbi Dinin.

What about books?

The two books we use are on the bookshelves in the sanctuary. Take a prayerbook (“siddur”) and a printed copy of the Torah (“chumash”). We use the Artscroll siddur. Page numbers are announced frequently and posted on the board by the south window. (Copies of the Birnbaum siddur and a Russian-Hebrew siddur are also available.) For the Torah readings, both the Hertz (Soncino) and the Stone chumashim are available, and we announce pages in both of them.

I’m not familiar with synagogues. How will I know what’s going on?

We don’t have official greeters, but members of our congregation will be happy to help you follow the service. Just ask the person you’re sitting next to!

Is there anything I shouldn’t do?

In keeping with Jewish traditions of the Sabbath and holidays, we do not use phones or turn on or off lights in the synagogue on those days. Please turn your cell phone off during services, and do not turn off lights after using the restroom or leaving an empty room.

What should I do after the service?

After the Shabbat service, people usually wish each other “Shabbat Shalom.” Then we go downstairs to the social hall for “kiddush” (refreshments.) The rabbi says a blessing over the wine before we start eating.  The kiddush is often sponsored by a congregant in honor of a special person or event. Everyone who has attended the service is welcome to stay.